
How do I get started in the Club?

NDASC is open to all swimmers with an interest in competitive swimming. We do encourage participation in competition but also cater for those who only wish to swim for fitness.

We are pleased to be able to offer up to 4 free trial sessions over a maximum of 28 days. To request a trial please complete a trial request form and we will be in touch to schedule an initial session. This will usually be on the first Wednesday evening of each month, at 5.30pm.

If you have any questions about the Club, Coaching standards or membership please do not hesitate to contact us by email at swimnairn@gmail.com


Under Coach Instruction:
2 x 50m of Front Crawl, Back Crawl and Breaststroke.
2 x 25m undulative kick on front or back without flotation aid.
2 x 25m of Front Crawl, Back Crawl and Breaststroke drill.
Perform basic sculling both feet and head first.
Perform a forward roll or F/C tumble turn if able.
Perform a head first entry into the water from the side or block.
Perform a correct, streamlined push and glide on front and back.
Demonstrate an ability to climb out of deep water unaided.
Demonstrate a willingness and ability to listen and be instructed.

What happens after my trial session?

If our coach assesses that you are ready to join, you will be able to come along for another 2 weekly sessions to see if you officially wish to become a member of NDASC. Before 28 days has expired from your trial date, for insurance purposes you must have completed a membership form both for the club and Scottish Swimming along with code of conduct forms and a mobile phone policy so you are aware of the strict standards of behaviour to adhere to for your wellbeing and safety.

If our coach thinks you could benefit from a bit more time developing your swimming this is not a bad thing. You are welcome to trial again when you are totally ready. We do not want to put you off swimming if we feel you may feel overwhelmed by joining the club before you are ready.

Membership and other key Forms

Our membership secretary will get the necessary forms out to you to complete, along with welcome information.

Welcome Information and forms are shown in th links below for ireference:

As a member of the Club you will need to keep us up to date with your contact details so that we can manage the Club membership, competition entries and SASA registration.


It is preferrable if fees could be paid via internet banking. We will provide members with club bank account details on request

Annual Fees

- Annual Club Membership Due in October £30 (£15 for subsequent siblings)

- Annual SASA Fees, required to be paid to Scottish Swimming in February £45

If you join in between renewal dates, a proportion of the annual fees will apply

Monthly Fees based on session allocation

1 session per week - £25 per month

2 sessions per week - £30 per month

3 sessions per week - £35 per month

4 sessions per week - £38 per month

Land Training Costs

1 session per week - £6 per month

2 sessions per week - £12 per month

Competition Fees

Generally you will be asked to enter competitions via the club online competition entries page. The club submits a club entry on your behalf & has to pay entries up front so it would be appreciated if entry fees could be transferred to the club bank account on submitting your entry.




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